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Reviews and media junkets

Reviews and media junkets

A bunch has happened since my last blog post. I've been diving into my next side hustle (more details on that coming soon!), reconnecting with folks I haven't chatted with in ages, and guess what? I released my book, Dad’s Car Rides. And let me tell you, it feels like I'm a mom waiting for everyone to say her baby is “cute”! 😊

The feedback so far has been kind, and some brave souls even took the plunge and threw their thoughts out into the wild by writing a review on Amazon. Kudos to them because, let me tell you, promoting a book is a bit of a rollercoaster. It got me thinking, especially after stumbling upon Mateja Klaric's article, "Why Is It so Hard to Get Book Reviews from Real Readers?"

Mateja's survey says it all: over 65% of readers rarely bother with ratings or reviews. Why, you ask? Top reason – they feel clueless about how to write one, and the fear of their words facing the big, bad world stops them. Surprise, surprise! Readers get jitters about reviewing just like authors do about publishing their first masterpiece. And hey, this isn't just a book thing; it's a creative universe problem. Studies from the Social Science Computing Cooperative as far back as 2004 (yeah, ancient times) showed that reviews are the golden ticket to getting noticed, whether you're a wordsmith, musician, or YouTuber.

To calm reviewer nerves, now we've got the magical click of a button. Yup, no need for Shakespearean prose – just hit that rating star on Amazon, Google, Instagram, wherever! Your simple click might be the reason a dad and his daughter pick up the book and dive into some much-needed heart-to-heart convos.

So, here's the deal: You rate the book with a click, and I'll keep on my media spree. Didn’t you know? I've been on a podcast marathon, chatting about everything from personal growth to parenting and business. Check out one of my recent interviews or catch me on CHRI radio in Ottawa on Wednesday, November 22, at 9 am. You can stream it later if you can't catch it live.

Alright, this was a blast. Thanks for catching up with me. If you take away one thing from today's read, let it be this: tell the creators in your life – writers, singers, content wizards – that their baby is "cute." Spread the love with just one click!

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